It's Been A Long Time

Brown & Toland Bus

I was talking about my lack of blogging over diner with a friend the other day. She only recently has taken the time to read some of my writing and said she thought it was funny. I think she was just being kind. I thanked her in my typical uncomfortable with compliments kind of way. I stated the obvious and mentioned that I hadn't really been blogging much lately, to which she asked why. I didn't really know how to answer. I mean, I've actually been fairly busy with some interesting projects and there's no reason I shouldn't be writing about them and other things I've been working on lately.

One problem is, I usually think of how to write about something at the strangest or most inopportune of times. By the time I'm in a place where I can get my thoughts down, they've already left me. Even with this post I was lying in bed just about to fall asleep when I started thinking about what I should write. My initial thought was to wait until morning but I knew if I did I wouldn't remember anything I was thinking. So, despite my quickly approaching sleep, I sat up, grabbed the laptop and started typing away.... and I know what you're thinking... I should have just gone to bed.

I could take a que from other bloggers out there. Take Thomas Broening for example... he always has something to say... sometimes even two or three times a day. I know Thomas and I'm sure he knows I respect his work and blog so I think he'll understand when I say this: His posts are a mixed bag from the long and fascinating to brief and interesting to the lengthy and mind numbing to the quick and useless. The posts mix his personal life, at times with no photographic content, to his professional musings.

Should I do the same? I've always thought that I couldn't imaging anyone being remotely interested in what I had to say if it didn't have something to do with photography (and even when it does, only slightly). Do I start talking about my personal life here? Do you want to know who I'm dating? With the exception of my mom, I seriously doubt it (I'll fill you in later Mom). While my personal life is often the source of great amusement for some of my close friends, I doubt it has broad appeal. So, I think for now I'll stick to the photography related posts (or blog writing related posts)... but who knows, if I get desperate again maybe I'll let you know my plans for Saturday night.

Like I said, I've had some interesting projects over the last month or two... so I'm going to do my best to get back into the swing of things with this blog. But, that will have to wait for another day... I want to get to sleep now.

Oh, and if you're wondering why there's a picture of a bus at the beginning this post... This last weekend I finally came across one of the many busses driving around San Francisco with a recent campaign I shot for SPM Advertising for Brown & Toland.