A Change Is Gonna Come


I'm in the process of a good sized website update.  It'll be a mix of newer work and work I've done over the last year that I've been a bit too lazy... I mean, far too busy... to get prepped for the website.  I'm also in the process of doing a minor website re-design.  I posted a while back that I wanted to completely redesign my website... but that hasn't happened yet due to indecisiveness on how I want the new site to look.  After all, it's not like I want to redesign my site every few months, so I better be happy with it.  So, for the short term I'm upgrading my Livebooks site in order to add larger images and along with that I'll make some minor changes to the look.

I will say, I think Livebooks maximum vertical pixel count of 562 (up from 500 for my current/old design) to be too small for my liking.  This is one of the reason I want a complete site redesign, so I can have larger images.  If you shoot a lot of 35mm aspect ratio horizontal images, the Livebooks image size works well.  But since most of my work is vertical, I don't get the larger images.

The Livebooks upgrade should go into effect over the next 24-48 hours, so check back then.  I should have my existing images resized by then along with some new images.

The shot above will be one of the new additions to my website.  Its a shot I took of my friend Kellie a couple weeks ago.